Star Wars The Force Awakens Cast #TwitterAwakens. Spoiler+ Sintesi tweet!

Questa notte grazie al buon twitter, gli attori Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong’o, Gwendoline Christie, il regista JJ Abrams e il presidente di Lucasfilm  Kathleen Kennedy, hanno risposto a delle domande poste dai fan. Abbiamo fatto un riassunto di tutti i Tweets. Ci sono stati anche alcuni spoiler!

Gwendoline Christie

This is a very proud moment and I can’t think of two better people to share this with! – @lovegwendoline

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Every day on set was a divine experience and completely mind-blowing. –@lovegwendoline #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Oscar Issac would scream every time he saw BB-8! – @lovegwendoline#TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


If I were to tell you this then I would have to kill you. – @lovegwendoline#TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Both entirely high level cool – my first crush was R2-D2, now I am in obsessional love with BB-8. – @lovegwendoline

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015



Lupita Nyong’o

.@Dutdutgreydut asks: What are you going to miss most about filming Episode

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


.@heatherthellama asks: If you had a lightsaber in real life, what color would yours be?

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


@MendozaJavier18 asks: Did any of you get to take costumes or props home to put on display? #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015

Oscar Isaac

2 from what I remember. It was like being home. – Oscar Isaac #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


When Anthony Daniels started speaking as C-3PO. – Oscar Issac #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Pretending to fly an X-Wing seemed a daunting task. I read about pilots in combat to understand mindset. – OI

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


The fight between Darth Maul, Obi Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn at the end of The Phantom Menace. – Oscar Isaac

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


@MrBazingaa He totally believes in the Force. Committed to the Resistance. – Oscar Isaac #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Bringing humor to the galaxy. – Oscar Isaac #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


John Boyega

BB-8 for sure! I like a droid that can move fast! – @JohnBoyega #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Always! Solo taught me well! – @JohnBoyega #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Ultimate fight between good and evil! The movies that influenced my imagination and a fun movie. – @JohnBoyega

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Thank you! The training was amazing. It was choreographed and I must say I learnt a lot. – @JohnBoyega

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


I’m working on my Yoda as we speak! – @JohnBoyega #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


@_ayhay asks: If you could choose between Jedi and Sith, what would you like to be?#TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Despite his fear he is brave and strong! – @JohnBoyega #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


While Harrison was working hard on set I took his golf buggy for a ride. –@JohnBoyega #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


White and it would be a lightsaber whip! – @JohnBoyega #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015

Carrie Fisher

As much of a thrilling blast as it ever was. – @carrieffisher

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 4, 2015


Character has changed, I’m older, more exhausted. – @carrieffisher#TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 4, 2015


He is not named after anyone. People are named after him. – @carrieffisher#TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 4, 2015


Good, I was jealous. For having the first experience. It was fun to watch. –@carrieffisher #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 4, 2015


The scene where I did not know my dialogue well. – @carrieffisher #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 4, 2015


— Star Wars (@starwars) December 4, 2015


I learned that it’s fun to yell at guys! – @carrieffisher #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 4, 2015


I would like my own Millennium Falcon. Gary would be the driver. – @carrieffisher#TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Daisy Ridley

I dont feel a pressure except from myself! I just wanted to do a good job, & I hope people like my performance. – DR

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015

If people connect to Rey’s story and relate to her, and because of that relate to me, I will be thrilled. – DR

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Hope and openness. – Daisy Ridley #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


The first day was incredibly challenging as it was the beginning of the journey for me. (1/2)

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


(2/2) Being surrounded by an incredible cast and crew and having JJ guiding me through let me conquer that. – Daisy Ridley

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


.@sherrilynling asks to Oscar and Daisy: can the two of you do a duet sometime?#TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015

Harrison Ford

The sword fight with Rey and Kilo Ren. Fantastic visual storytelling. – Harrison Ford#TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 4, 2015


YES. He’s had some work done! – Harrison Ford #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 4, 2015


Better than a real job. – Harrison Ford #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 4, 2015

I had a much smaller trailer. – Harrison Ford #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


I’ve never thought to ask anyone if they know who Han Solo is. I sure don’t bring it up! – Harrison Ford

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


I’ve never used a Han Solo quote! – Harrison Ford #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


The clothes make the man. – Harrison Ford #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


The combination of the visual excitement, the power of the myth, & the energy of the narrative all together. – HF

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


The new characters played by Daisy, John, Adam, Lupita, and Oscar. All fantastic, fresh and talented. – HF

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Chewbacca. – Harrison Ford #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015

JJ Abrams

Go make your movie! You have in your pocket (I assume) a camera good enough to make a feature! #tangerine – JA

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Yes, Mark. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! – JJ Abrams #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


I stole a BB-8. But don’t tell anyone. – JJ Abrams #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


.@ballingerfamily asks: How did you make the new lightsaber? Instructions & materials pls.

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


I was 1% more excited than scared. Then we started shooting and it rocketed up to 2%. – JJ Abrams #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Absolute definition of “the best.” He’s as kind & wise as he is talented. Wait until you hear the new themes! – JA

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Because I was stupid and exhausted. I meant to say that so many have perceived SW as a boys’ club & it ain’t. (1/2)

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


(2/2) Never has been — and I hope girls and women see themselves in Rey (and not Phasma)!

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015

Kathleen Kennedy

No – maybe someday, however. – Kathleen Kennedy #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 4, 2015


Thank you. I’m happy to see that change is slowly happening and more women are coming on the scene. – KK

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Yes they are! – Kathleen Kennedy #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


This movie was pretty non-stop from beginning to end. – Kathleen Kennedy#TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Agreed. The tension between the dark side & the light makes for complicated relationships inside the stories. – KK

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Luke Skywalker. – Kathleen Kennedy #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


Yes – casting is happening now. – Kathleen Kennedy #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


It gave us chills to see new characters evolve within such a familiar universe. – Kathleen Kennedy #TwitterAwakens

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015


No, there’s a retro aspect but everything is in service to new stories and characters. – Kathleen Kennedy

— Star Wars (@starwars) December 5, 2015



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